Please note: This is a summary, analysis, and review of the book and not the original book.
Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge offer scientifically-backed advice for maintaining youth from the inside out in their best-selling book, Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy - Until You're 80 and Beyond.
This FastReads summary and analysis offers supplementary material to Younger Next Year to help you distill the key takeaways, review the book's content, and further understand the book from an editorial perspective. Whether you'd like to enrich your understanding, refresh your memory, or simply decide whether or not this book is for you, FastReads summary and analysis is here to help. Absorb everything you need to know quickly!
What does this FastReads summary and analysis include?
An executive summary of the original book
Editorial review of the book as a whole
Quick chapter-by-chapter summaries
Key takeaways from each chapter
A short bio of the author
Original book summary overview:
In their New York Times best seller Younger Next Year, Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge offer a practical guide anyone can use to stay fit and strong, navigate the uncertain road of retirement, and age with grace. Crowley and Lodge contend that aging is a choice you make every day - with what you do, what you eat, and how you connect - and offer straightforward and science-backed rules to reverse the dreadful process of decay.
Before you buy: The purpose of this FastReads summary and analysis is to help you decide if it's worth the time, money and effort listening to the original book (if you haven't already). FastReads has pulled out the essence - but only to help you ascertain the value of the book for yourself. This summary and analysis is meant as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, the original book.
(Tags : Summary & Analysis of Younger Next Year: Includes Key Takeaways & Analysis (Unabridged) FastReads Audiobook, FastReads Audio CD )