In this modern classic, world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh presents a clear, concise translation and commentary of the Heart Sutra—the world’s most popular piece of Buddhist scripture.
Comprising only 632 Chinese characters, the Heart Sutra is Buddhism in a nutshell. Despite its brevity, this powerful work covers more of the Buddha’s teachings than any other scripture, and its influence is more profound and wide-reaching than any other text in Buddhism. Thich Nhat Hanh’s translation and commentary is regarded as the most simple, clear, concise, and understandable available. He describes the sutra as “a precious gift to us, the gift of fearlessness,” offering subtle and profound teachings on nonduality and the letting go of all preconceived notions, opinions, and attachments, thereby becoming open to all the wonders of our life.
(Tags : The Heart of Understanding, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: Commentaries on the Prajñaparamita Heart Sutra Thích Nhất Hạnh & Peter Levitt Audiobook, Thích Nhất Hạnh & Peter Levitt Audio CD )