20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne follows the adventures of the mysterious captain Nemo and his incredible submarine, the Nautilus. Joining the captain on his epic journey around the world is Professor Pierre Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and the Canadian whaler Ned Land. These three become guests of the reclusive submariner when they are washed overboard on a ship that is tracking the Nautilus, believing that it is some kind of giant sea creature.
Once introduced to their unusual host they join him on his journey through the seas. On their travels they will witness some of the most incredible sights: lost cities, legendary shipwrecks, the most amazing sea creatures that man will ever see, and much more. But what secrets will the three visitors find out about this strange man along the way? Who is he? Where does he come from? And what is his reason for building this awe-inspiring vessel which now roams the oceans of the world?
This book was first published in 1870 and was considered very much ahead of its time. It remains to this day one of the greatest science fiction/adventure novels ever, and is widely considered to be Verne's best work. It is brought to life by the wonderful talents of David McCallion. His voice will have you on the edge of your seat as he imbues each of these characters with personality.
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