In the shocking second chapter of the story of Batman and the Penguin’s first meeting, a dramatic change in their relationship has emerged…is Cobblepot ready to go toe-to-toe with the Dark Knight? Or is he already two moves ahead?
Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, Geoff Johns, Tom King, Brad Meltzer, Dan Jurgens, Peter J. Tomasi, Marv Wolfman, Richard Donner, Louise Simonson, Paul Dini, Jim Lee, Olivier Coipel, John Cassaday, Curt Swan, Patrick Gleason, Rafael Albuquerque, Clay Mann, José Luis García-López & Neal Adams
Peter J. Tomasi, Marv Wolfman, Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Louise Simonson, Richard Donner, Paul Dini, Scott Snyder, Brad Meltzer, Tom King, Paul Levitz, Dan Jurgens, Neal Adams & Jim Lee